Monday, July 16, 2007

The Drunken Hypocrite

I was sitting at a local drinking establishment with a long-time friend this weekend. We were having a great time until this girl he knew walks up and starts spouting off about how tattoos were so trashy and how they make people look dumb. But then she turn around and told us that she was going to get one on the small of her back in memory of her cousin. She said that because it had meaning behind it, it wouldn’t be like everyone else’s.

Now because she was a friend of a friend I did not verbally execute her on the spot. I simply showed her my four tattoos and told her the meaning behind all of them. Then out of nowhere people, who had been listening to this loud-ass, started showing her their tattoos and telling their stories. I lost count at 12 people who had to come up and show this girl that most people have stories and/or meaning behind their tattoos. What really pissed me off was she didn’t get it. She just thought she was better than everyone and her tattoo wouldn’t make her look like the “rest of us.”

I hope the artist messes up her tat. Sweet revenge from the “rest of us.”


Faith said...

Maybe she was to drunk to realize she is a silly fool!

tara.schroeder said...

That last line is great! It reminds me of "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" when it says "He asked for a 13 but they drew a 31!"

Life has a way of paying people like that back with a good helping of irony.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I could steer her to a "great" tattoo artist who just might help you out with that quest. Of course, he doesn't have a shop or even his own gun... But that doesn't usually stop him from doing them outside a coffeehouse for free weed.